A new volume of studies of the ISNS on Neoplatonism: Defining Platonism: Essays in Honor of the 75th Birthday of John M. Dillon, edited by Sarah Klitenic Wear and John F. Finamore (Franciscan University Press). Below is the table of contents:
Apologia pro Vita Sua Operibusque, by John Dillon viii
Introduction 1
John F. Finamore and Sarah Klitenic Wear
Part I. Plato
1. Platonic Eschatology 11
John Bussanich
2. The Platonist as Friend 29
Kevin Corrigan
3. Plato’s Timaeus: What Is in the Paradigm? 44
Allan Silverman
4. The Athenians against the Persians: Plato’s View
(Laws III, 698a–700a) 64
Christopher Rowe
Part II. Ancient Platonism
5. Numenius, Neopythagoreanism, and the
Troublesome “King(s)” 85
Harold Tarrant
6. Can One Speak of Mysticism in Plotinus? 96
Luc Brisson
7. The Relentless Pursuit of Justice 117
Gary M. Gurtler, SJ
8. Plotinus on Evil: Proclus and the Author of The Divine Names 130
Denis O’Brien
9. Plotinus on Suicide 162
Suzanne Stern-Gillet
10. Self-Reflexive Ontogenesis in the Tripartite Tractate
and Plotinus 181
John D. Turner
11. The Metaphysics of Power, Logos, and Harmony in Porphyry 198
Stephen Gersh
12. The Soul as a Writing Tablet, from Plato to Proclus 218
Anne Sheppard
13. Hermias and the Soul’s Pilot 228
John F. Finamore
14. Plotinus and the Apophatic Augustine 238
John Peter Kenney
15. The Figure of the Diadochos, from Socrates to the Late Antique
Athenian School of Neoplatonism 253
Carl Séan O’Brien and Sarah Klitenic Wear
Part III. Modern Platonism
16. The Platonist as Music Lover: Some Reflections
and Auditions 273
Jay Bregman
17. Platonism versus Naturalism 291
Lloyd P. Gerson